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¡Programar ahora!
Ahora puede programar una cita con nuestros Servicios para pacientes ambulatorios. Todas las citas son citas de telesalud a menos que se especifique lo contrario.
Servicios ambulatorios para adultos
Servicios ambulatorios para niños
To receive an appointment sooner, please reach out to our schedulers by contacting our office at 215-473-7033 ext. 7338 (children) and ext. 7264 (adults) or visit our office during walk-in hours on Tuesdays 10am - 12pm and Thursdays 12pm - 2pm.
Appointment Helpful Tips:
Some of our providers may contact you from a "Private" or "Unlisted" telephone number. Please answer your phone. This will decrease your frustration and ensure that you are able to keep your appointment.
You also have the option to request a video conference appointment.
Notice that you are running out of meds every month? Meet with your provider to discuss med management strategies to prevent medication non-compliance issues.
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